Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Marks Still Show

It's been well over a week, and I'm still showing the effects of the spanking that Sable gave me. I haven't yet been able to arrange my next session with my primary "guide" but I'd like to do so before the marks disappear.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Next step with "my" domme

There's a domme I see regularly for help in controlling my weight and drinking. Those sessions always involve spanking, though more in the nature of encouragement, reminders, mild discipline when I've transgressed than punishment. Because our relationship is close, I asked her permission before visiting a strict domestic disciplinarian. She's on vacation now but I'm expecting to see her on her return. I've told her by email about my session with Sable, though she probably won't see the email until she gets back to town. I'll still have marks from my session with Sable when I see her next and I'm "eager" -- if that's the right word -- to see how she reacts and what she'll do to me. This same woman, whom I consider my friend, once gave me a punishment spanking that was far more severe than the one I received from Sable. I was literally (I'm not making this up) unable to sit (or rise from a sitting position) for more than two weeks without feeling pain, and the marks from that spanking lasted seven weeks! So my friend, although she's not primarily a domestic disciplinarian, can really dish it out when she wants to or needs to.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sorry for all the screw ups

This is the third blog I've started: (1) Wantspanking, (2) Malespankee, and (3) another version of Wantspanking. However, if you want to reach this one on the net, the address is The previous two blogs wouldn't allow me to reenter them to post again. Maybe someone can enlighten me.

The day after

On the day after my session with Sable, my rear end still looks like its been through a meat grinder. It is leaking fluid and when I showered this morning, it hurt like hell. Those are signs of a good punishment spanking as far as I'm concerned.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Visit to Sable in Baltimore

As I said in yesterday's posting, I spent part of this afternoon over the knee of Sable, a disciplinarian in Baltimore, who really bloodied my butt for an offense I had committed against my wife. The session began in her kitchen where she interviewed me about my experience, but also sought (and obtained) details about my personal life. Then she asked me to explain in detail what I had done to deserve the punishment I was seeking. I said my piece and she asked a lot more questions. When she had learned what she wanted to know, she told me to stand up and strip to my underwear, which I did, also discarding my T-shirt, though it is pretty cold right now in this area. Then we went down to her basement, where she lowered my underpants and had me lie across her lap (she sat on the floor). Then she began to spank me, initially with her hand. Usually I find hand spankings not at all harsh but she really pounded me and I was already tenderized before she shifted to a hairbrush, followed by two different kinds of paddles. (I really did not see each of the implements, but I certainly felt them.) I don't know how many hits I absorbed but they left my butt bloodied and sore. During the latter stages of the punishment, she required me to "talk" to her while she applied the paddle. I was required to acknowledge the seriousness of the offense I had committed, to admit that it was "narcissistic" of me to put my needs ahead of my wife's and to promise to reverse my behavior completely. In all, the session last about 1-1/2 hours and I can feel its effects as I sit here typing this report.
I think it is likely that the marks she left will endure for several weeks. For spankees in this part of the country, I can supply a phone number where she can be reached.

Monday, April 9, 2007

I plan to see a Professional Disciplinarian Tomorrow

I have an appointment to see a professional disciplinarian tomorrow and will report later on the experience. robg

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Oh well

I had created a blog called "Wantspanking" but can't seem to sign in for further postings.
You can find another blog of mine at "Malespankee"